Backorder Items

Please know that AdEdge Performance strives to have all of their products in-stock and ready to ship. We understand how excited you might be to receive your order and we will always do our best to fulfill your order in a timely manner. However, there may be items that will not be available at the time you place your order. In this event, back ordered items cannot be shipped at the time an order is placed, but WILL be shipped at a later date. When the back-order item is selected, we will provide you with an approximate shipping date via email. Please be aware that the back order dates are approximate and subject to change.

If using a credit card or PayPal account, you will be charged for your back-order merchandise at the time you select to purchase it in your shopping cart. The total shipping and handling charges will be reflected in your grand total. If you have selected a back-order item along with an in-stock item, you will only be charged the Standard Shipping flat rate and the available products will be shipped to you after processing your order. Your back-order item will ship as soon as inventory is available without any extra shipping fee incurred. All back-ordered items will ship via Standard Delivery.


For more information on our Standard Shipping Policy click here. You can also email us at for further assistance.